leaves scabrous flowers in corymbose cymes fruit black when ripe. branchlets stout, lenticellate, pale brown, younger parts softy hairy. Threat and protection: Indiana lists this species as endangered and in Michigan it is thought to be extirpated. Fruit is white nutlet, 34 mm long, 4 nutlets per flower. drupes globose, orange-red.Įhretia pubescens Benth. Inflorescence is spike-like scorpioid cyme flowers bright yellow, funnel-shaped, 13(4) cm long, 20 mm across, pentamerous.

Here are the differences between the 2 speciesĮhretia laevis Roxb.:- branches and ventral side of leaves pubescent.įlowers sessile white in 1 sided short racemes. scorpioid cyme axillary spines absent (Myosotls) Boraginaceae, 1:285 102. Secondary nerves 6-7 pairs, close regular. Annual or perennial herbs, pubescent or glabrous Inflorescence a scorpioid cyme, simple or branched, circinnate or more or less straight calyx 5-lobed, accrescent or not corolla 5-lobed, salverform or subcylindrical with the lobes scarcely spreading stamens 5, inserted on the corolla, enclosed, the filaments very short, the anthers 2-celled. 14c) leaves not sheathing flowers not showy, greenish. Secondary nerves 4-5 pairs, distant irregular. Leaves symmetrical, base rounded or obtuse, acute: 4. Fruits are smooth or pitted, attached basally, the attachment persisting as a thickened ring. cymose corymbs), these often arranged in secondary inflorescences of. Corollas are sometimes ornamented with fornices. flowers 619 cm across, with 4 green sepals, numerous white petals, and numerous. Flowers sessile or pedicellate (subsessile in Victoria) sepals 5, partly connate, sometimes elongating with age corolla regular, 5-lobed, more or less cylindric, with scarcely spreading lobes, white, cream, purple or lilac, usually with a. Mostly herbs with trifoliate leaves, solitary or cymose flowers. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, a simple or branched scorpioid cyme, more or less straight or circinate bracts absent (in Victoria). sending out elongate wiry stolons, rooting at nodes, whole plant glabrous except leaf. Leaves alternate, rarely almost subopposite, sessile or petiolate. The small funnelform flowers have flaring lobes and are usually blue or white, arranged in a leafy cyme. Annual or perennial herbs, pubescent or glabrous. Glabrous-smooth without hair or bristles. Im not very conversant with botanical jargon. with simple ovate to lance-shaped leaves. and thirty-six species of ferns and flowering plants found in salt.